Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe's proposal to Powys Full Council

MOTION TO FULL COUNCIL By Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe seconded By Cllr Clair Powell

Due to concerns being raised over the last couple of months when Powys county council took over the civil parking enforcement. Communities have raised concerns over a number of issues mainly.

1. Residents parking and policy

2. Parking restrictions

3. Traffic management

4. Review of off street parking

At the last meeting the portfolio holder stated that “The intention is to allow Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) to settle down for a twelve month period during which time the outcomes of more frequent and targeted enforcement will become apparent. A review of parking restrictions and traffic management could then begin on a county-wide basis and include both on and off-street parking, and any demand for residents', lorry or coach parking, bus stop orders and possibly mandatory and advisory disabled parking.

The review will inform new draft policies, e.g. residents' parking (both on and off-street), and will also enable the Council to properly consult on any proposals to remove or introduce restrictions prior to their implementation.” he also stated “, it is anticipated that the review will generally commence in April 2012 when the outcomes of CPE are becoming established, although there may be some obvious anomalies that could be considered for earlier action.

Given the current financial constraints it is doubtful when funding will become available.

Members introduced a moratorium on TROs some time ago as a budgetary measure and changes to legal Orders cannot be processed until the moratorium is lifted or when there are external contributions.

Following this I would like to put forward the following motion to the council.

From September 2011 this council will start to work on the feasibility of a residents parking policy with the assistance of the scrutiny committee. Also a review of parking restrictions, traffic management and off street parking with consultation with key stake holders such as town and community councils and chamber of trades so when the moratorium is expected to be lifted in April 2012 and the council will be able to move forward from this earlier point in 2012.

Best wishes

Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe

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