Monday, 4 July 2011

Victory is Closer

A Press Release issued by Powys County Council on 1st July.

At last the council have seen the light - it was a train coming towards them!

Car Parking Review

A county-wide review of car parking in Powys will begin later this summer, the county council has announced.

The review, which will look at existing waiting restrictions that operate in different towns, will take into account views and concerns raised by communities following the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement in April.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Regulation, Councillor Geraint Hopkins said; “We have worked closely with elected members and their communities during the implementation of the scheme so sensible enforcement action is taken to address road safety matters and to ensure that traffic flows around the road network.

“We had intended carrying out a thorough review of the implementation later in the year but because the public have raised a number of concerns we have brought it forward. “Work will start in the summer and look at a number of issues including residents parking and we hope to develop new on and off street parking policies capable of balancing the competing demands of road safety, traffic flow and adequate parking for businesses and residents.”

Now our work really starts. Let's get all suggestions and ideas for on and off-road parking in our communities developed not only for the benefit of residents and businesses in Powys but also visitors to our beautiful county.

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