Tuesday, 19 July 2011

A Battle Won, the Campaign Continues!

100% Council Support for CRAP Campaign

Councillors Gareth Ratcliffe and Clair Powell presenting the CRAP petition to Powys Council Chairman Cllr Barry Thomas

On Thursday last, Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe’s motion calling for Powys County Council to bring forward to September 2011 ‘work on a review of parking restrictions, traffic management and off street parking with consultation with key stake holders such as town and community councils and chamber of trades’ throughout the county’, was passed with one hundred percent support from all councillors at the full council meeting in Llandrindod Wells.

Councillor Ratcliffe’s proposal, seconded by Cllr. Clair Powell is almost exactly that called for by CRAP in our blog and petition which has received support from almost 1000 signatories since its inception in early May.

This welcome volte-face by Powys County Council leaders is a direct result of local pressure and bodes well for the effectiveness of local democracy. It is vital that pressure is kept up on the council to ensure that now this small battle has been won, the campaign is not forgotten.

It is only seven weeks to September and it is vital that residents, traders and all other interested parties register their ideas and thoughts regarding what the council must do to ensure sensible parking policies are introduced for Powys.

Over the next few days, CRAP will be working on suggestions for residents’ parking in Hay-on-Wye together with suggestions for changes to existing town centre restricted parking zone terms and conditions. It is planned that a public meeting will be called to discuss these and other proposals to ensure that as of September 1st, commonly and democratically agreed parking proposals will be in place for the town.

We understand that Talgarth has already prepared plans for the town centre and hope that over the next few weeks, other towns and communities throughout Powys will similarly have produced schemes to put to the council in September.

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