Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Oh dear! Councillor Hopkins

Brecon and Radnor Express article

Today’s (6th July) issue of The Brecon and Radnor Express headlines an article by Twm Owen ‘Council to look at Parking’. Well done the B&R.

The article reports that the council have agreed to meet residents and traders’ demands, to start work on a review of traffic management and parking throughout Powys as highlighted in CRAP’s campaign.

Cllr Geraint Hopkins (Powys County Council cabinet member responsible for parking – and one recipient of the recently distributed £50,000 “saving” made by reducing cabinet numbers)denies a U-turn and in the final paragraph of the article is quoted as saying “parking revenues are worth about £1.4 million annually to the council which would need to raise council tax by around three percent to compensate for the loss of income.”

Cllr Hopkins has previously stated that the Council was driven to take over responsibility for parking enforcement from the police for reasons of safety and traffic flow rather than using it to create income. Does this statement of his perhaps reveal his true concerns?

Mr Hopkins, we take this opportunity to ask you:

How is the £1.4 million total income you quote derived? Is it inclusive of all car parking income, including that from car parks, car parking permits and fines? If so, is it calculated using estimated penalty income?

Do you believe that introducing a ‘countywide review of car parking restrictions’ will reduce ‘parking revenue’ income?

If not, what was the reason for making such an irrelevant and misleading statement?

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