Tuesday, 5 July 2011

One rule for them, one rule for us!

An email from a justifiably irate resident

Thanks for your continued good work to fight this idiotic scheme.

Spent another day working from home this week whilst looking out for traffic wardens. Heard the usual commotion outside as neighbours come outside to move cars, or try and reason with these people.

I got told to move my car, so as usual I ended up driving 250m to Gypsy Castle and taking someone's parking space there. My blood pressure rising sky high over the utter pointlessness and stupidity of it all.

On my walk back I noticed that the TW had parked outside the BT building right under the "no parking" sign. I decided it would be fun to take a photograph of this glaring example of double standards, only to be on the receiving end of a stream sarcastic comments from the TW - such a pleasant fellow!

My neighbour, a carer for an elderly gentleman, told me afterwards that the same TW gave her a ticket even though she had told him that she had applied for and was waiting for a disabled badge.

Anyhow, I thought you might like this picture - apologies for the poor quality.


Someone should be told!


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