Saturday, 28 January 2012

It really is the World Wide web

53 countries watching our blog - and counting!

It's really quite amazing. Since starting our blog, people from 53 different countries, from all around the world have looked at it.

Armenia . Australia . Austria . Belgium . Cambodia . Canada . China . Colombia . Czech Republic . Denmark . Egypt . France . Germany . Ghana . Greece . Hong Kong . Hungary . Iceland . Indonesia . India . Ireland . Italy . Japan . Jersey . Jordan . Latvia . Malaysia . Mauritius . Mexico . Moldova . Mongolia . Netherlands . New Zealand . Pakistan . Philippines . Poland . Portugal . Romania . Russia . South Africa . South Korea . Spain . Sri Lanka . Sweden . Taiwan . Thailand . Tunisia . Turkey . United Arab Emirates . United Kingdom . Ukraine . USA . Vietnam

Just think all these people from all these countries are watching our battle and learning all about the personalities involved.

Councillor Geraint Hopkins (Powys County Council Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder Environment and Regulation, responsible for Traffic and Parking) together with Phil Jackson, (Powys Transportation and Development Control Manager) and Kevin Lloyd (Powys Car Parks Manager), Councillor E M Jones OBE Executive Leader, Powys County Council are you men of your word?

Gentlemen remember - the world watches and judges through the world wide web!

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