Thursday, 26 January 2012

A CRAP email to Councillor Garaint Hopkins and Powys County Council Officers Phil Jackson and Kevin Lloyd

Can we have an update please!

Dear Councillor Garaint Hopkins and Powys County Council Officers Phil Jackson and Kevin Lloyd

I hope you will recall the meeting held at Powys County Council Headquarters Offices on Tuesday 11th October last year between a representative of CRAP, (The Campaign for a Responsible Approach to Parking) Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe (Powys County Councillor for Hay-on-Wye) and yourselves, Councillor Geraint Hopkins and Powys County Council Officers Phil Jackson and Kevin Lloyd.

The meeting, originally planned for September, was the campaign’s opportunity to present CRAP’s proposals for Traffic flow, safety and parking in Hay-on-Wye, the culmination of some six months work to determine public reaction in Hay-on-Wye to existing parking restrictions and explore local ideas for the best approach to the town’s particular needs.

At the meeting, we were pleased to receive your assurance that our proposals would receive your consideration and you will recall that you promised to respond to us in detail by the beginning of December.

Since that time, although we have received no direct communication from you, we understand that you informed Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe that you would be unable to respond to us by the promised date, but instead would come back to us in January.

It is now almost the end of January and our campaign has rather been overtaken by Plan B for Hay’s campaign against the imposition of a supermarket on the present school site in Hay. We understand from the campaign however that parking remains a very important and contentious issue for traders, residents and visitors to the town.

More than three months have passed since our meeting and we would be most grateful if you could provide us with an update of the present situation. If you intend to ignore our proposals, we should similarly like to know.

Your planned ‘consolidation order’ scheduled for April 1st 2012, the first anniversary of the council taking over responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement is fast approaching, as are elections for both the town and county councils. We are publicising this letter on our blog and distributing it to various interested parties.

We look forward to the courtesy of your responding to this email.

C.R.A.P. The Campaign for a Responsible Approach to Parking

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