Sunday, 16 October 2011

Questions to the Council

6 months since Powys took over CPE from the Police

On 6th October, almost six months to the day since Powys County Council took over responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement from Dyfed-powys Police, Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe forwarded the following question to Powys County Council Cabinet Business Manager Stepehen Boyd for the attention of the Member for Highways.

It has now been over six months since the council took over Civil Parking Enforcement. Can the Cabinet Member report back on progress and the following:

1. The number of tickets (Penalty Charge Notices) issued
2. The number of off-street tickets (PCNs) issued
3. The number of on-street tickets (PCNs) issued
4. The number of tickets (PCNs) paid within 14 days
5. The number of appeals
6. The number of successful appealers
7. How much income has this generated for the council

Cllr. Gareth Ratcliffe
Hay-on-Wye Ward

Hopefull this will give us some idea of the financial effectiveness of Civil Parking Enforcement and how many of PCNs issued are subject to appeal. As yet, it will difficult to ascertain the percentage of successful appeals against the number issues, but this figure must be known in order to get some idea of the income generated against the effort of issuing them. Only time will tell!

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