Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Answers to Cllr. Ratcliffe's Questions

Revealing Answers to Cllr Ratcliffe's Questions

Following the questions asked by Cllr. Gareth Ratcliffe of Powys County Council, Cllr. G G Hopkins, Portfolio holder for Environment and Regulation, has provided the following response.

For interest, percentages have been added.

These are results after only six months of Powys being responsible for Civil Parking Enforcement and from the total monies received, it must be presumed that costs to date, including wages for nine CEOs, their vehicles, travel and expenses, plus of course administration, supervision etc. etc., have not been covered by income!

Does this mean that extra income must be found through increasing enforcement and more tickets being issued, or would a more rational approach be to cut costs? Perhaps the best approach might be to cut the greatest cost – the wages and associated costs of the nine Civil Enforcement Officers?

1. The number of tickets (Penalty Charge Notices PCN's) issued - 2962

2. The number of off-street tickets (PCNs) issued - 979 (33%)

3. The number of on-street tickets (PCNs) issued - 1983 (67%)

4. The number of tickets paid within 14 days.
(i.e. PCN's paid within discount period) - 2075 (70%)

5. The number of appeals (received) - 555 (19%)

6. The number of successful appeals - 180 (32% of appeals to date)
The appeal process takes time, it will be interesting to see the number and percentage of appeals that are registered (and subsequently succeed) over a longer period.

7. How much income has this generated for the council - £70,969.66

Draw your own conclusions!

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