Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Updated Proposals

Parking Proposals for Hay-on-Wye

PLEASE LOOK AT OUR September 11th 2011 BLOGS:

Text of the Final Proposals
Hurrah The Final Proposals

We note a number of visitors to our Blog have been looking at our 8th August 2011 'Full Text of CRAP's Parking Proposals for Hay-on-Wye.'The final plans and proposals submitted to Powys County Council prepared for the meeting scheduled for September 2011 but postponed and eventually held in October 2011, can be found on our two blogs of 30th August 2011:'Text of the Final Proposals' and for the accompanying plans: 'Hurrah The Final Proposals' Please look at these two entries for the proposals finally submitted. Other blogs listed the preliminary proposals which were open for discussion and amended as the result of comments received.

Campaign for a Realistic Approach to Parking


* Information in italics details explanations and suggested amendments resulting from public consultation *

It is proposed that the town be divided into the following zones or areas.


Zone 1. has been slightly amended and the area below (North) the clock tower has been excluded. To to reflect demand for Parking in Zone 1. for residents living in the town centre, three (3) dedicated Residents’ Parking Bays have been created from previously proposed 30 minute RPZs and seven (7) 1 hour RPZ spaces taken out of Zone 1. and placed into Zone 2. (where residents’ parking is permitted in 1 hour RPZs)

Parking in Zone 1 will be restricted to:

Pay & Display Car Park in Market Square

Disabled Parking in defined bays both within the Pay & Display Car Park and on-street as shown on attached plan.

Restricted Parking Zones with 30 minute & 1 hour time limits as shown on plan.

Limited Residents’ only Parking Zones. (see plan)

Parking restrictions will allow for market operations on Thursdays and authorised ‘special events’


It is proposed that Powys County Council conduct a feasibility study into the practicality of making Lion Street One-Way from the clock tower to its junction with Castle Street. Vehicles travelling down Castle Street will turn right on entering Lion Street.

This would allow the road in Lion Street to be widened above the Clock Tower entailing the removal of a small area of pavement to the line of the original verge stones. This would allow one additional disabled and two or three 30 minute Parking Bays to be created.

Suggested changes and additions to previously proposed parking bays within Zone 1.

Two (2) (Not three (3) as previously suggested) 30 minute parking bays created in Lion street, approximately outside Hay Deli. This RPZ, positioned in the widest part of that section of Lion Street, will formalise what is common parking practice, allow larger vehicles to turn right on entering from Castle Street yet address the concern expressed by some traders of leaving space for unloading service vehicles.

One (1) extra 30 minute bay can be created at the Western end of Castle Street close to junction with Belmont Road.

Three (3) new Residents’ Only parking bays will formalise existing unregulated parking at junction of Castle Lane and Bull Ring.


Timed RPZs with Residents Parking permitted *

* Of the two alternatives presented in the original proposal document and discussed at the 25th August meeting, this was voted by a large majority as being the most appropriate and practical.

Parking in this area will be restricted to:

Residents’ Parking Zones as shown on plan. Parking restricted between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Saturday* to vehicles displaying a current Residents’ Parking Permit only.

30 minute & 1 hour Restricted Parking Zones as shown on plan. Parking restricted between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Saturday to vehicles displaying a current Residents’ Parking Permit, (1 hour RPZs only) vehicles parked in accordance with displayed time limitations.

The meeting and respondents to CRAP’s questionnaire to the change parking restriction times from existing hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm were split equally between no change and a variety of suggested alternative times. A considerable majority wanted restrictions to apply Monday to Saturday only, rather than seven days. It is therefore proposed that CRAP recommend all RPZs should be valid from 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.

Reaction was split to the proposal that an exception to the proposal to limit RPZs in Zone 2 primarily to 1 hour parking was the suggestion that the RPZ outside the Swan Hotel should be an 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Saturday 2 hour limit. Unless a convincing argument is received for not recommending this 2 hour zone (with Residents’ parking permitted) being allowed, the plan will stand.

Numerous respondents and the audience at the Public Meeting expressed concern about the excessive speed of traffic in Hay, particularly in Church Street and on to Brecon Road. Three suggestions were made to address the problem.

To create a 20mph speed limit throughout the town

Create a 1 hour RPZ in Church Street just North of and opposite Harley’s Almshouses to create chicane effect to slow traffic

To establish a mini roundabout on Brecon Road at end of Forest Road to control traffic flow and excessive speeds.

It is prposed that CRAP should not recommend any one or all of these ideas but Powys County Council should be resquested to conduct feasibility studies into all three proposals.

It was felt that pressure to remove parking from outside the Cinema Bookshop should be resisted as this RPZ does have the effect of moderating traffic speeds in Church Street.

Suggested changes and additions to proposed suggested parking bays within Zone 2.

Three (3) 1 hour bays in the RPZ in Broad Street, East of junction with Chancery Lane will be taken out of the reduced Zone 1 and put into Zone 2. Residents will enjoy parking rights in those bays.

Four (4) 1 hour parking bays created by formalising existing unregulated bays outside Council Offices below Clock Tower, suspended on Thursdays for market operations, have been taken out of Zone 1 and placed into Zone 2. Residents will enjoy parking rights in those bays.

It is recommended that ‘H’ bars be painted on to roads within RPZs where parked vehicles could impinge on reasonable vehicular or pedestrian access to properties. (access to The Gardens in Heol-y-Dwr and to The Forge in Lion Street)


Current designated Off-Road car parking is provided by the Oxford Road Pay and Display Car Park.
This is proving frequently unable to meet demand from visitors to Hay, particularly in summer months, on market days, Bank Holidays and when special events are taking place in the town and that extra off-road car parking is urgently required.

It was almost universally commented that lack of available visitor parking will have a detrimental and perhaps irreversible effect on commerce in the town. Various longer term car parking options were suggested including:

1. New Parking site over the Wye bridge
2. Out of town site servicing Park and Ride facility into centre of Hay.
3. Current school site when Junior School relocates to new site beside surgery. (estimated 3 to 5 years)
4. Current Community Centre site when centre relocates to new site beside surgery. (estimated 3 to 5 years)
5. Extra spaces being provided at new School/Community Centre site beside surgery. (estimated 3 – 5 years) It was thought that these extra spaces might be earmarked for coach and longer term parking.
6. Expand existing Oxford Road Car Park

1 & 2 were minority suggestions, 6 was almost universally rejected as undesirable and whilst 3,4 & 5 were considered desirable, they would be implemented too late to address the immediate problem.

The suggested option of creating a mix of residents’ and visitor parking in the cattle market was considered a realistic and desirable short term alternative.

It is proposed therefore that CRAP should recommend that Council should ensure that the new lease awarded for the cattle market (the current lease expires in March 2011) should allow for use of part of the site as a mix of residents’ and Off-Street (perhaps Pay and Display) and Residents’ Parking.


It is proposed that parking restrictions in Hay-on-Wye should be limited to the following:

No Parking Areas

1. Double yellow lines - No Parking at any time with certain exceptions for loading and unloading etc.

2. Double yellow lines + No Loading sign – No parking at any time other than for emergency vehicles.

Pay and Display Parking

It is proposed that for the benefit of longer term visitors and to obviate the necessity of an early visit to the car park to ‘feed’ the meter, the Pay and Display machine software in the Oxford Road Car Park is adapted to allow tickets to be issued for up to 5 days in multiples of 24 hour periods.

This proposal was almost universally supported although it was suggested that longer term parking could be provided in an expanded car park close to the surgery site when that is developed.

Additional Residents’ and Pay and Display Parking could be provided in the Cattle Market car park, available when the market is not in use.

Disabled Parking Bays

Parking restricted to vehicles displaying current Disabled badge.

Residents Only Parking

Valid Monday to Saturday, during hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm. As far as possible, marked bays will be used to prevent misuse, dangerous and inconsiderate parking.

Time Restricted Parking Zones

There will be no special dispensation for residents’ vehicles parking outside designated Residents’ parking RPZs within Zone 1. or in 30 minute Restricted Parking Zones.

Time Restricted Parking Zones as shown on plan will be:

1. Monday to Saturday
8:00am – 6:00pm
30 minutes Parking,
No return within 2 hours

2. Monday to Saturday
8:00am – 6:00pm
1 Hour Parking,
No return within 2 hours

3. Monday to Saturday
8:00am – 6:00pm
2 Hours Parking,
No return within 2 hours


Powys Parking Permit

Cost: 12 months - £150.00 6 months - £80.00 3 months - £40.00

Currently obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number.

Entitles registered vehicle displaying valid permit to park in certain of Powys council’s long term car parks.

Residents’ Parking Permit

The urgent need for the introduction of Residents’ Parking Permits was universally supported. There was divided support for how they should be funded. A minority felt that residents paying council tax should be entitled to a Residents’ Parking permit without cost whilst a significant majority felt that a ‘nominal’ cost, along the lines of CRAP’s suggested charges, was appropriate and more likely to be accepted by Powys.

Concern was expressed by many in questionnaires returned, and vocally at the Public Meeting, that the residential qualification for granting of a Residents Parking Zone, should be strict and second home owners should not qualify.

Kirsty Williams A.M. offered to research Residents Parking charges and residential qualifications used by other authorities throughout Wales. This information is awaited and will hopefully be included in CRAP’s final proposal document.

Limited to vehicles registered to a qualifying address, or if registered keeper elsewhere, subject to proof of residence. Permit surrendered if vehicle sold or moves from registered address.

Ownership or display of a Residents’ Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking place.
Residents are forbidden from placing cones or barriers in the road to reserve a parking place without specific authorisation.
Vehicles must be parked within defined Parking Bays where marked.
Ownership or display of a Residents’ Parking Permit does obviate compliance with time parking restrictions within Zone 1. or in 30 minute Restricted Parking Zones.

Residents’ Parking Permits will be issued for a period of 12 months and limited to a maximum of three Permits per residence (unit of occupation liable for council tax) in Hay-on-Wye.

Cost: 1 Permit - £20.00 2nd Permit - £50.00 3rd Permit £100

Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number.

Entitles registered vehicle displaying valid permit to park for any period in any Residents Only Restricted Parking Zone in Hay or any 1 Hour or 2 Hour RPZ outside Zone 1.

Special Dispensation Parking Permit (SD)

Cost: 12 months £ NIL

Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number. Designed for use by essential workers/services, doctors,
nurses, health visitors etc. To be displayed only when on call.

Allows vehicle to park in any Residents Only or One Hour or Two Hour Time Restricted Parking Zone within Hay-on-Wye outside Zone 1. for a maximum of two hours.

This proposal received universal support with one recipient suggesting clerics be added to the list of qualifying persons.

Hay-on-Wye Trade Dispensation Parking Permit (TD) *

Cost: (?) 12 months - £150 6 months - £80 3 months £40

Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number. Designed for use by traders and local businesses who may
prove essential use of their vehicle during the working day.

Limited to one permit per business rate payer and valid Mondays to Saturdays from 8:00 am
to 6:00 pm. Allows vehicle on which displayed to be parked in any of the town’s present or future Long Term Car Parks or in any of the listed 1 hour or 2 hour Restricted Parking Zones outside Zone 1. for a maximum of four hours with no return within 2 hours

This suggestion was rejected by a majority of recipients and the audience at the Public Meeting who felt that traders should park in the Oxford Road Car Park. If permitted, parking time in Zone 2. RPZs should be limited to 2 hours rather than 4.

Concern has been expressed for the plight of shop employees, many on low wages, who live out of town but must park in Hay. It was suggested that if a Trade Dispensation Certificate was granted, employees should similarly benefit.

Unfortunately traders have been underrepresented as both respondents to questionnaires and at the Public Meeting on 25th August.

Unless representations are received from traders providing convincing arguments for a Trade Dispensation Parking Permit being allowed, the opportunity will be lost.

Please contact us with your thoughts.


Approximate Additional Car Parking Spaces provided by proposals

1 extra 30 minute bay in Castle Street close to junction with Belmont Road
3 extra 30 minute bays by Clock Tower
2 extra 30 minute bays in Lion Street before junction with Brook Street
2 extra 30 minute bays in Bell Bank outside Club
2 extra 30 minute bays in Market Square outside HSBC Bank
3 extra 30 minute bays in Oxford Road opposite Nat West Bank
2 extra 30 minute bays in Lion Street outside Drill Hall

1 extra Disabled Parking bay by Clock Tower

Potential 12 extra Residents’ Parking spaces in Cattle Market car park
Potential 36 (plus) extra Pay & Display Parking spaces in Cattle Market car park

Pedestrian Crossings

A meeting with the Council Traffic Officer revealed that a pedestrian crossing in Broad Street would result in the loss of approximately seven parking spaces. A pedestrian crossing is in Church Street approximately between Blue Boar and Jones Hardware might be considered.

It is proposed that a recommendation is made to the council to conduct a feasibility study into the practicality of installing a pedestrian crossing in Broad Street approximately between Jones Hardware and the Blue Boar.


Maps used for the proposals are not to scale and indicate only approximate position and sizes of Restricted Parking Zones


It is proposed to produce a suggested parking policy document representing a consensus of local opinion for presentation to Powys County Council on 12th September.

This document has been circulated to all respondents listing their email address and a copy left in Hay Public Library.

It is proposed that this document is put before Hay Town Council for their approval on 5th September, after which the final document will be drawn up.

Should you have any suggestions or comments, or believe we have not covered anything you consider important, please complete a questionnaire and return it by September 1st LATEST to the library or Post Office in Hay or let us know by email to
crap-powys@mail.com or nh4@hotmail.co.uk

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