Monday, 1 August 2011

Busy, busy, working on a parking plan for Hay

Localism and a Parking Plan for Hay-on-Wye.

At last we've received the up-to-date plans of the present parking zones and RPZs in Hay, together with the full plans of the last ideas prepared by the community in 2003 and details of adopted roads and ownership of anomolous areas. We're not wasting any time but working hard on new preliminary proposals for residents' and time restricted parking for the town.

The idea is to develop a working plan for discussion with residents and traders and any other interested parties with a stake in the future of this town. Hopefully other towns and communites throughout Powys are working along similar lines so that once the Council (as they have promised) give the go-ahead, we shall have everything worked out to make their job that much more simple.

Localism is the buzz word around councils at the moment. (If it isn't, it ought to be!) New legislation, now making its way through Parliament will mean that people will have an increasingly greater say in what happens in their communities. Look up localism on Google, it makes very interesting reading and it is likel;y that councillors or council officers have not yet realised the implications of this new policy direction.

More power to the individual!

Watch this space for an announcement of a public meeting to discuss our proposals for Hay. The better attended and more vocal the audience, the better!

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