CRAP considers it most important that residents, traders and all other interested parties develop an agreed, sensible set of suggestions for parking in the Hay-n-Wye to be ready by September in time for the council’s now agreed starting time for discussion about county wide parking.
The cost of implementing any scheme will be a deciding factor in persuading the council to adopt it; accordingly the town must be looked at as a whole so that all changes can be accommodated cost-effectively within one Order.
There will undoubtedly be ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in any change to parking in the town but it must be understood that the change in parking enforcement from Dyfed Powys Police to Powys County Council is an established fact and we must do everything possible to make sure that a new traffic and parking policy is developed with in full consultation with all interested parties and with the maximum of agreement between varying views.
This is perhaps the first opportunity people in Powys, and specifically those in Hay-on-Wye will have to exercise their rights to influence local decisions as is intended by the forthcoming ‘localism’ legislation currently making its way through the House of Lords.
It is proposed that the town be divided into the following zones or areas.
It is proposed that Lion Street from its start beside the clock tower be made One-Way to its junction with Castle Street. Vehicles travelling down Castle Street will therefore be constrained to turn right on entering Lion Street, which is currently restricted to One-Way traffic at that point.
It is further proposed that the highway be widened in Lion Street from the Clock Tower to the start of The Pavement. This will entail the removal of a small area of pavement to the line of the original verge stones and which has been widened at some point in the past. This widening and the conversion of the road to One-Way will allow for one additional disabled and two Time Restricted Parking Bays as shown on the attached plan.
Parking in this area will be restricted to:
1. Pay & Display Car Park in Market Square as shown on plan. (operating from 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Sunday excluding Thursdays for market operation)
2. Disabled Parking in defined bays both within the Pay & Display Car Park and on-street as shown on attached plan. (Two additional disabled bays are suggested for Zone 1.)
3. Time Restricted Parking with varied time limits as shown on plan operating from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Sunday (excluding Thursdays for market operation by Clock Tower when no parking allowed during market hours)
Parking in this area will be restricted to:
1. Disabled Parking in defined bays both within the Pay & Display Car Park and on-street as shown on attached plan.
2. Residents’ Parking Zones as shown on attached plan. Parking restricted to vehicles displaying a current Residents’ Parking Permit.
3. Time Restricted / Resident Parking Zones as shown on attached plan. Parking restricted to vehicles displaying a current Residents’ Parking Permit, other authorised dispensation permits and any other vehicles parked in accordance with displayed time limitations.
These are currently the Oxford Road and Market Square Pay and Display Car Parks where current parking rules and restrictions are enforced by the council.
It is acknowledged that current off-street parking is inadequate to meet visitor demand. Even with the introduction of a new on-street parking policy, the demand on present both on and off-street parking often exceeds the places available. This position is exacerbated by regular events such as the annual May Fair, which uses much of the Oxford Road site, and other regular events which attract extra visitors to the town and result in the Oxford Road Car Park being filled to capacity. Insufficient parking, if not rapidly addressed, will inevitably result in visitors being dissuaded from visiting Hay, to the detriment of the town’s future prosperity.
These proposals are made in the anticipation that working within current stringent financial restrictions a partnership based on communication and consultation developing between the community and the council, further much needed off-road parking will become available over the next few years. Adequate off-road parking is essential both for current commercial viability of Hay, but also, and most importantly for the convenience and benefit of visitors on whom the town relies for its continued prosperity.
Additional off-street parking is likely to be derived from:
Relocation of Junior School to new site beside surgery.
Relocation of Leisure Centre to new site beside surgery.
Conversion of part of current market site to mix of residents’ and Pay and Display Car Park.
Additional spaces on new site beside surgery.
It is proposed that parking restrictions in Hay-on-Wye should be limited to the following:
No Parking
1. Double yellow lines - No Parking at any time with certain exceptions for loading and unloading etc.
2. Double yellow lines + No loading sign – No parking at any time other than for emergency vehicles.
Pay and Display Parking
Parking areas/Car Parks equipped with pay and display machine vending tickets for specific parking periods.
It is proposed that for the benefit of longer term visitors and to obviate the necessity of an early visit to the car park to ‘feed’ the meter, the Pay and Display machine software in the Oxford Road Car Park is adapted to allow tickets to be issued for up to 5 days in multiples of 24 hour periods.
Vehicles must be parked within defined parking bays and in accordance with displayed local by-laws. Parking restricted to:
1. Vehicles displaying current paid for and valid Pay & Display parking ticket
2. Vehicles displaying current Powys Parking Permit showing to and from validation date and vehicle registration number.
3. Vehicles displaying current Powys Residents’ Parking Permit (R1) badge showing to and from validation date and vehicle registration number.
4. Vehicles displaying current Hay-on-Wye Trade Dispensation Parking Permit showing issue and expiry dates and vehicle registration number
Disabled Parking Bays
Parking restricted to vehicles displaying current Disabled badge.
Residents Only Parking
To prevent misuse and dangerous parking, as far as possible, Residents Only Parking areas will use marked bays to indicate allowed vehicle restrictions.
Valid Monday to Saturday, during hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm., parking will be restricted to:
1. Vehicles displaying a current Residents’ Parking Permit (R1) or Residents’ Parking Permit (R2).
2. Vehicles displaying current Hay-on-Wye Special Dispensation Parking Permit (SD) showing issue and expiry dates and vehicle registration number
3. Vehicles displaying current Hay-on-Wye Trade Dispensation Parking Permit (TD) showing issue and expiry dates, and vehicle registration number.
Time Restricted Parking
There will be no special dispensations for residents’ vehicles parking within Zone 1. or in 15 or 30 minute Restricted Parking Zones.
As far as possible Time Restricted Parking areas will use marked bays to indicate allowed vehicle restrictions.
Parking limited to vehicles other than those displaying Residents’ Parking Permits (R1 or R2) parked according to displayed time limitations.
Parking time restricted zones as shown on plan will be:
1. Mon – Sat 9:00 am – 5:00pm
15 minutes Parking, No return within 2 hours
No parking outside those hours
2. Mon – Sat 9:00 am – 5:00pm
30 minutes Parking, No return within 2 hours
No parking outside those hours
3. 9:00 am – 5:00pm
+1 Hour Parking,
No return within 2 hours
4. 9:00 am – 5:00pm
2 Hours Parking,
No return within 2 hours
It is proposed that the following parking permits should be issued:
Powys Parking Permit
12 months £150.00
6 months £80.00
3 months £40.00
Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number.
Entitles registered vehicle displaying valid permit to park in any of Powys council’s long term car parks.
Residents’ Parking Permits
Residents’ Parking Permits to be limited to vehicles which are registered to a qualifying address, or if vehicle registered keeper elsewhere, subject to proof of residence.
Residents Parking Permits must be surrendered if vehicle sold or owner moves from town, in which pro-rata refund will be issued.
It must be noted that:
Ownership or display of a Residents’ Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking place.
Ownership or occupation of a house or flat in Hay-on-Wye does not guarantee a close or adjacent parking place.
Residents are forbidden from placing cones or barriers in the road to reserve a parking place without specific authorisation.
Vehicles must be parked within defined Parking Bays where marked.
Ownership or display of a Residents’ Parking Permit does obviate compliance with time parking restrictions within Zone 1. or in 15 and 30 minute Restricted Parking Zones.
Residents’ Parking Permit (R1)
12 months £150.00
6 months £70.00
3 months £40.00
Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number.
Entitles registered vehicle displaying valid permit to park for any period in :
Any of Powys council’s existing or proposed long term car parks.
Any Residents Only or one Hour or Two Hour Time Restricted Parking Zone within Hay-on-Wye outside Zone 1.
Residents’ Parking Permit (R2)
Residents’ Parking Permits (R2) will be issued for a period of 12 months and limited to a maximum of three Permits per residence (unit of occupation liable for council tax) in Hay-on-Wye.
1 Permit £20.00 2nd Permit £50.00 3rd Permit £100.00
Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number.
Entitles registered vehicle displaying valid permit to park for any period in :
Any Residents Only or one Hour or Two Hour Time Restricted Parking Zone within Hay-on-Wye outside Zone 1.
Hay-on-Wye Special Dispensation Parking Permit (SD)
12 months £ NIL
Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number. Designed for use by essential workers/services, doctors,
nurses, health visitors etc. To be displayed only when on call.
Allows vehicle to park in any Residents Only or One Hour or Two Hour Time Restricted Parking Zone within Hay-on-Wye outside Zone 1. for a maximum of two hours.
Hay-on-Wye Trade Dispensation Parking Permit (TD)
12 months £150
6 months £80
3 months £40
Obtainable from Powys County Council and displaying to and from validation date and
vehicle registration number. Designed for use by traders and local businesses who may
prove essential use of their vehicle during the working day.
Limited to one permit per business rate payer and valid Mondays to Saturdays from 8:00 am
to 6:00 pm. Allows vehicle on which displayed to be parked in any of the town’s present or future Long Term Car Parks or in any of the listed Restricted Parking Zones outside Zone 1. for a maximum of four hours with no return within 2 hours