Thursday, 19 May 2011

The Farce Continues

A Warden's Lot is not a Happy One

I can’t say I envy our new Civil Enforcement Officers, or their jobs.

Today there are two CEOs in town “enforcing the law”. Residential streets, away from the town’s commercial centre, which until now have been largely left alone, have today been visited, registration numbers recorded and residents told that parking regulations must be enforced, wherever they are.

This poor warden was soon surrounded by a crowd of protesting, frustrated and very angry residents. One must have some sympathy for his thankless task; it can’t be pleasant to be universally disliked!

The CEO was asked where residents should park as the town centre car park was full to capacity. Unfortunately no answer was forthcoming but the warden did agree to leave things for that day and consult with his superiors. Tomorrow, however is another day!

A number of residents enquired what they should do during the Hay Literary Festival, which starts a week today. Again no answer was provided although residents were told that the County hoped to have a meeting with the Festival organisers to discuss parking over the ten days of the event.

Perhaps we shall be told the outcome of that meeting, I rather think we won’t!

Also parked in the street were several white vans, belonging to trades people working on neighbouring houses and parked on the pavement, over double yellow lines. Good luck to them; they have jobs to do and should be allowed to get on with their work.

The warden told residents that such tradesmen were permitted to park on double yellow lines to unload their tools and equipment, but then must “move on” and find a permitted parking space. As to parking on the pavement; had they not done so, the narrow street would have been entirely blocked!

Surely trades people can apply to the Council for a ‘Dispensation Certificate’ which allows them to park where they would not be otherwise allowed, in order to carry out their work.

Unfortunately, the warden told residents that the Council have not yet prepared any ‘Dispensation Certificates’ and so they could not be issued.

No Parking Policy, no Residents’ Parking Permits, no Dispensation Certificates’. Well done Powys County Council, introduce new Civil Parking Enforcement, recruit ten new officers to enforce it, but don’t prepare the necessary documentation! For some inexplicable reason the Council have printed sufficient Penalty Charge Notices! Does that say anything about the Council’s motivation?

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