Friday 7 June 2013

Powys County Council 1 - C.R.A.P Nil

It's the penultimate hurdle!

We hope you've seen the exhibition at Hay Library, if not go tomorrow, or at latest Monday and make your opinions known.

Powys County Council have presented the community with what seems to be a fait accompli.

The options on offer are :

1. To accept what the council are offering - a Street Zoned parking policy
2. Reject Residents Parking as an option in Hay
3. Suggest an alternative

C.R.A.P offered an alternative but council officers claim that at a meeting held with our local County Councillor, Gareth Ratcliffe and two (unnamed) Town Councillors, the Street Zone system was the option approved.   Apparently the whole town alternative was rejected although it met policy guidelines,

A Street Zone system will:

1. Allow Residents Parking only to Residents in specified areas and then only in the immediately local street
2. Not allow Hay residents living outside a 'street zone' to apply for a Residents Parking Permit 
3. Create a system where residents unable to park in the limited area their Street Zone permit allows, attempt to park in one of the few remaining non zoned areas, or somewhere out of town.

What is the unspecified and unpublicised alternative?

A town Centre Residents Parking scheme (broadly along the lines of CRAP's original proposals.) and broadly adopting the Powys suggestions for shared Residents and time zoned parking areas

What would this mean.

1. Any householder living within the central town area would be eligible to apply for a Residents Parking Permit
2. Holders of a Residents Parking permit would be able to park in any shared parking zone in the scheme area, not just a designated 'Street Zone'
3. It will obviate, or at least reduce the necessity for 'scrambling' for limited spaces in a 'Street Zone'
4. It will release more space for visitors and shoppers when shared spaces are not occupied by residents.
5. It will be a town wide scheme and discourage anti-social behaviour from people trying to,protect their 'local' parking.

We are assured by Powys County Council Officers Tony Caine and Phil Jackson that residents' comments will be taken into account no whilst no alternative has been offered other than the 'Street Zone' system on offer, if their is enough pressure from the community, their proposals will be looked at again.

We can only hope so!

The alternative - is to do nothing!

In which case, Hay won't have an effective Residents Parking scheme.


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