Started in Hay-on-Wye, CRAP is a forum for residents and traders throughout Powys to voice their concerns about Powys County Council's adoption in April 2011 of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) throughout the county.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Parking Proposals for Hay-on-Wye
Text of the Final Proposals
Hurrah The Final Proposals
We note a number of visitors to our Blog have been looking at our 8th August 2011 'Full Text of CRAP's Parking Proposals for Hay-on-Wye.'
The final plans and proposals submitted to Powys County Council prepared for the meeting scheduled for September 2011 but postponed and eventually held in October 2011, can be found on our two blogs of 11th September 2011:
'Text of the Final Proposals'
and for the accompanying plans:
'Hurrah The Final Proposals'
Please look at these two entries for the proposals finally submitted.
Other blogs listed the preliminary proposals which were open for discussion and amended as the result of comments received.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Second Freedom of Information Request
This is the second Freedom of Information Request we have forwarded to Powys County Council. We believe it is vital that we received an answer to this, and our first FOI application 'within the statutory timescale of twenty days' so that the information is available to Powys voters in time for the local elections on May 3rd.
Andrea Hughson
Information Management
Unit 29
Ddole Road Enterprise Park
Llandrindod Wells
23rd March 2012
Dear Ms Hughson
Further to my recent Freedom of Information request for details of total costs for Powys County Council of adopting Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) powers prior to and after April 1st 2011, I list below a number of questions concerning the costs associated with, and income derived from the first year of Powys County Council running Civil Parking Enforcement.
As the information requested is quite detailed and relates to the period from April 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012, I thought it appropriate to write before the end of the month in order to provide you with the maximum of time to access the requested data.
I believe provision of this information is essential if constituents and the wider public will have the opportunity to judge how cost-effective has been the council’s adoption of CPE.
I understand that the information required is extensive but again hope I am able to receive a full response within the statutory twenty day period.
Campaign for a Realistic Approach to Parking
Costs and Income derived from Powys County Council’s running of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) for the period April 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012.
Please provide total costs for the categories Nos. 1– 4 listed below, for the period including:
Legal and establishment costs;
Printing, stationery and publicity;
Staff recruitment, training and uniforms;
Total gross staff salaries and wages including legal, management and support staff including overtime; NICS and pension contributions (or proportion of attributable cost/s)
Equipment and vehicles, fuel and travel;
Mobile telephone provision and usage;
Any payments made to Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP);
New and replacement Pay and Display Ticket Issuing machines together with repair and maintenance costs (when appropriate);
Running of Pay and Display and other designated Car Parks. (when appropriate)
Plus any and all other costs and expenses associated with or pertaining to the Council’s adoption of CPE powers.
1. Pay and Display and other designated Car Parks.
2. On-Street Civil Parking Enforcement.
3. Issue of Powys County Council Parking Permits; Residents’ Parking Permits; Dispensation Certificates etc.
4. All and any other costs associated with Powys County Council’s running of Civil parking Enforcement during the period April 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012
Including court, legal and administration costs and any or all other costs associated with seeking payment of PCNs issued.
Please provide answers to questions Nos. 5 – 16 below, answers defined for the period to include county totals and breakdowns listed by centres below:
a. Hay-on-Wye;
b. Brecon;
c. Builth Wells;
d. Llandrindod Wells;
e. Crickhowell;
f. Rhayadar;
g. Talgarth;
h. Clyro
5. Please provide details of total number and value of off-street PCNs issued for the period
6. Please provide details of total number and value of on-street PCNs issued for the period
7. Please provide details of total number and value of PCNs issued during the period paid within 14 days
8. Please provide details of total numbers and value of PCNs issued during the period that have been paid after 14 days
9. Please provide details of total numbers and value of PCNs issued during the period and not the subject of an appeal or appeals where payment is currently outstanding
10. Please provide details of total numbers and value of PCNs issued during the period that were or are the subject of appeal
11. Please provide details of total numbers and value of PCNs issued during the period that were the subject of an appeal and where the appeal was successful
12. Please provide details of total numbers and value of PCNs issued during the period that at 31st March 2012 are the subject of an appeal but a decision has not yet been made
13. Please provide details of income received from Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP).
Plus any envisaged income not yet received based on number of PCNs issued.
14. Please provide details of gross revenue derived from Daily Charge and Pay and Display Car Parks
Including cash collected but excluding revenue from Powys County Council Parking Permits, Dispensation Certificates etc.
15. Please provide details of gross revenue derived from sale of Powys County Council Parking Permits, Residents’ Parking Permits and any Dispensation Certificates.
Broken down by length and value of permit issued
16. CEO apportioned time
Please provide a breakdown of total CEO man hours worked
Broken down as county total and broken down into hours worked in centres as outlined above.
First Freedom of Information Request
This is the first of two Freedom of Information Requests we have sent to Powys County Council
Andrea Hughson
Information Management
Unit 29
Ddole Road Enterprise Park
Llandrindod Wells
23rd March 2012
Dear Ms Hughson
The first anniversary of Powys County Council taking over responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement approaches and this provides an opportunity for constituents and the wider public to look at the council’s adoption of CPE and how cost-effective it has been.
Accordingly we are submitting the following Freedom of Information request in order to ascertain the establishment costs of the Council’s adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement.
We appreciate that the information requested is extensive but hope we are able to receive a full response within the statutory twenty day period.
Campaign for a Realistic Approach to Parking
What were the total costs of Powys County Council adopting responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) powers prior to and after April 1st 2011?
Consultants’ fees;
Legal and establishment costs;
Preparation of (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement and Consolidation) Order 2011;
Printing and publicity;
Staff recruitment, training and uniforms;
Staff salaries and wages including legal, management and support staff including overtime; NICS and pension contributions or proportion of attributable cost/s;
Equipment and vehicles, including purchase, leasing and maintenance costs;
Fuel, mileage payments and other travel costs;
Mobile telephone provision and usage;
Signage and road marking etc.
Any payments made to Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP);
Plus any and all other costs and expenses associated with or pertaining to the Council’s adoption of CPE powers.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Action Man
This correspondence follows the unannounced appearance of the Powys County Council road whitelining team in Hay-on-Wye who proceeded to renew existing and paint new white parking restriction enforcement lines in various locations in the town. This lining caused some considerable concern to many residents as it was taking place while discussions were in progress with the council and could establish unnecessary and undesirable precedents before the promised review of parking, scheduled to start in April.
From: steve holdaway
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 16:44
Subject: Car Parking Lines - Hay-on-Wye
To:,, Gareth
Further to our conversation this pm I confirm that no immediate enforcement action will be taken against residents following the re-lining/boxing of parking space in Bear Street. This conforms with our 'soft' approach to enforcement where we have introduced new linings elsewhere in the county and indeed the approach taken when we introduced CPE.
I fully appreciate the impression new lines will have created and the timing is most unfortunate. However I am keen to see for myself the issue you have described to me and will meet with you, and if required residents, to understand their particular views. I believe Jane is in the process of identifying dates for you.
Please accept my apologies for any anxiety we have caused and rest assured we will be considering Hay-on-Wye's parking issues as part of the review to be conducted from April. Indeed your Town Council's efforts and proposals will help us considerably and in all likelihood give the Town a head start. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to pass on my thanks to the Town Council.
From: []
Sent: 22 March 2012 08:30
To: cc:;;
Subject: Re: Car Parking Lines - Hay-on-Wye
Dear Steve
I have been contacted this morning by residents in Hoel y Dwy saying that they have been informed by a member of staff of pcc saying that they are going to re-line that street.
This as Bear Street has caused concerns. Can I meet the officers before any work is carried out so I can inform the residents of what is going on, or can it be left until the review of residents parking has been completed?
Best wishes
Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe
Hay on Wye Ward
From: steve holdaway
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 16:44
Subject: Car Parking Lines - Hay-on-Wye
To: cc:
I've made enquiries and have been assured no further work will be done in Hay until we've reviewed Car parking
If for any reason this is not the case please let me know
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
emails from Councillor Geraint Hopkins
Thank you for your e-mail.
Firstly may I give you a synopsis of the history of Civil Parking Enforcement in Powys.
At the Board meeting on the 15th July 2008, Cllr G.T.Evans, the then portfolio holder, presented a paper on the Adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement in Powys. This was as a result of the Council being told in no uncertain circumstances by Dyfed/Powys Police that they would be relinquishing their responsibility for on-street parking from 1st April 2011. As a result the Board made the decision to go down the route of Civil Parking Enforcement. Can you imagine the chaos that would have ensued in places like Hay-on-Wye during the tourist season without any form of on-street parking management?
I took on the portfolio for Highways and Transport on the 18th May 2010. On the 27th July, I presented a paper to the Board asking for approval to submit an application to the then Welsh Assembly Government, setting out how the Authority would use its powers.In that report it stated that "The environmental benefits of adopting CPE powers will arise from an improvement in parking enforcement, reducing traffic delays on-street and ensuring parking capacity off-street. Local control will help to prevent the abuse of Traffic Regulation Orders put in place by the Council and will improve the monitoring of disabled parking facilities." This approval was granted by Board, (Incidentally your local member, Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe was one of the two Conservative party members on the Board at that time), and consequently CPE was adopted as of the 1st April 2011.
Originally the plan was to review how CPE was working after one year and make amendments as necessary. After a lot of public interest in CPE, especially from the Hay-on-Wye area, I made the decision on the 1st July 2011, two weeks before Cllr Ratcliffe's motion to Council, to commence the review straight away. Which I did. That review has been on-going since.
I met with you and Cllr Ratcliffe on the 11th October, which you most rightly state, where you presented your proposals for Hay-on-Wye, which I received and gave you my assurance that they would be taken into consideration as part of the review. As a matter of fact the question of a Resident's Parking Permit had not been considered prior to that.
(It is perhaps appropriate to note that Powys County Council (Prohibition and Restiction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places)(Civil Enforcement and Consolidation Order 2011) the basis of the council's adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement on April 1st 2011 states
Classes of Vehicles for which permits are applicable
78. Subject to the provisions of this Order, permits may be issued to classes of vehicles being Passnger Vehicles, Light Goods Vehicles, Motor Cycles and Disabled Persons’ vehicles.
Use of parking Permits and Dispensation Certificates
79. A Parking Permit or Dispensation Certificate shall only be valid for use in a Parking Place on a road as identified on the Parking Permit and specified on the Plans.
There are similarly allowances for Parking "Dispensation Certificates" {page 28 section 76 (a.) & (b.). )
Unfortunately since then due to a problem with resource, (not money as you state in your e-mail), the review has not progressed as well as I would have wanted.
Money has before now, or the lack of it, been the excuse offered! I quote from an email received from Councillor Hopkins dated 29th January 2012 “Unfortunately due to lack of resource this is not progressing as quickly as I would have liked and I haven't any money in my budget to bring in any outside help.”
I told you at our meeting that I would use your study to influence the review, which I have. I also told you that any changes would be County wide and not area specific, although various anomalies would be rectified.
As far as your request for a Resident's parking permit, I apologise if no one responded to you, but seeing as we don't currently have a Resident's Parking Scheme, I don't see how you could have expected to receive an application form for one!
Powys County Council (Prohibition and Restiction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places)(Civil Enforcement and Consolidation Order 2011) states
Entitlement to and application for Parking Permits
80. Any person who is the Owner of a vehicle of the class specified may apply to the Council for the issue of a Parking Permit in respect of that vehicle and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particulars and information trequired by such a form to be supplied.
I have today received in very rough draft form, from my officer, a policy for taking car parking management forward. Obviously this isn't going to be considered during the lifetime of this Council, so it will be the responsibility of the new administration to implement if they see fit.
From my own point of view, I have supported your proposed changes to the parking arrangements in Hay-on-Wye and the introduction of some form of County wide resident's parking scheme, but that doesn't mean that whoever takes over the Cabinet portfolio after the elections will be of the same mind.
Kind Regards,
Cllr Geraint G Hopkins
(Cabinet member for Environment and Regulation)
email forwarded to all Powys County Councillors
From Cllr Geraint Hopkins, Cabinet Member for Environment and Regulation - Fw: Review of Civil Parking Enforcement
You are all aware that on the 1st April 2011 the Authority took over responsibility for on-street traffic management from the Dyfed/Powys police. At that time I stated that we would review how it was working and any changes that may be required in April 2012.
In July of last year I said I would bring the review forward six months in order for a new policy to be developed and implemented and the consequent new Traffic Regulation Orders published this April.
Unfortunately due to a shortage of resource this hasn't happened as I had planned.
See above, the Order allowed for Residents' Parking Permits, I applied for one!
I and my Head of Service are now being lobbied by some members for short term solutions to parking problems to be implemented before the forth coming election.
That is just a bit rich! Councillors' responsibilities are first and foremost to their electorate and of course, secondly to the county as a whole. There is no evidence of councillor short-termism, they are merely looking after the interests of those they represent, as they were elected to do!
I have only today received a very rough draft of a policy to take CPE forward. It would be impossible to get this document in any sort of shape to take to Cabinet before the election.
It's not that we don't believe you, it would however be useful to see the rough draft.
I do not believe it would be fair or equitable to all Councillors, or the areas they represent across Powys, to try and attempt ad hoc adjustments to parking in certain towns at this time.
It is therefore my intention to defer any decision on the future policy for on or off street parking until after the election. This will allow the policy to be developed in a timely, thorough manner and implemented by the new Cabinet member, whoever that may be!
Regards,GeraintCllr Geraint G Hopkins
(Cabinet member for Environment and Regulation)
I think that email speaks for itself - procrastination, ineptitude and obfuscation are the first things that come to mind!
Can You Believe It?
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
There's a Whole Lot Happening!
But over the last week, a lot's been going on - albeit much behind the scenes!
Last week, Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe, Ward Councillor for Hay-on-Wye accompanied by representatives from Hay-on-Wye Town Council and Hay Chamber of Trade met at Llandrindod Wells with Jeremy Patterson Chief Executive of Powys County Council, hoping to get some action on our parking and traffic proposals before the council 'shuts down' for the May 3rd council elections.
As a result of that meeting, Cllr Ratcliffe, this time accompanied by Bob Golesworthy a Hay Town Councillor, today (Tuesday 13th March) had a meeting with Steve Holdaway, Powys Senior Director of Highways. It seems that for some reason Messrs Patterson and Holdaway had not been kept fully informed of our proposals and all that has been happening over recent months!
We've wasted so much time trying to get some action from Councillor Geraint Hopkins, Powys County Council Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for traffic and parking (any sign of life would help!) that we hope these approaches to officers who after all, do not have to face re-election in May, will at last elicit some action.
We live in hope, and will of course keep you informed!
An email to Councillor Geraint Hopkins
Copied to Roger Williams MP; Kirsty Williams AM; Councillor E M Jones OBE, Councillor Garteh Ratcliffe and various other interested parties
Dear Councillor Hopkins
It is now almost one year to 1st April 2012, the first anniversary of Powys taking over control of Civil Parking Enforcement from the police.
1. Prior to April 1st last year, you stated that the purpose of taking over CPE responsibility was to:
Improve Safety.
Reduce the misuse of disabled parking bays.
Improve conditions for all road-users, particularly pedestrians and disabled people.
Reduce parking problems, especially around schools and in residential areas.
Improve public transport reliability and journey times.
After almost one year of becoming responsible for enforcing this policy can you provide any evidence of it meeting its wholly admirable aims?
You will hopefully recall the six months work that we, the Campaign for a Responsible Approach to Parking (CRAP) and the Hay-on-Wye community in producing outline proposals for Traffic flow, safety and parking in Hay-on-Wye. We hoped the plan might be used a blueprint for a prospective county wide policy.
On 11th October last year you will recall our meeting (postponed at your request from September) at the Powys County Council Offices in Llandrindod Wells at the end of which meeting you promised to respond to the campaign’s proposals “in detail by the beginning of December”.
Although we received no direct communication from you, in January 2012, we understand that you informed Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe that you would be unable to respond to us by the promised date, but instead “would come back to us in January”.
In response to further emails forwarded among others to Kirsty Williams AM, on January 29th 2012, you sent us an email in which you told us that you were “certainly not ignoring” our proposals. “actually it is the opposite” our “proposals along with others from other parts of the County are forming the basis of the review.” You explained that lack of money was not allowing you to make speedier progress but promised to contact us again when you had “firm dates for various aspects of the review.
Since that date, six weeks ago, we have heard nothing from you.
2. Can you please tell us whether any further progress will be made on your plans or our proposals before the elections scheduled for May 3rd?
3. On 15th May 2011, I emailed a request for a Residents’ Parking Permit on the lines outlined in Section 4 item 80. of the (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement and Consolidation) Order 2011. I have never received the courtesy of an answer to that request. Can you please explain why?
4. At the County Council meeting of July 14th, in response to Motion CC84-2011, proposed by Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe, you confirmed a decision to bring forward the first stage of the review. How far has the review been brought forward as a result of that promise?
5. Will the promised deadline of April 1st 2012 be met for the introduction of your ‘consolidation order’?
I understand that on March 19th Powys County Council will go into ‘Purdah’ and after that date we should expect no response to any questions we may have until after the elections on May 3rd. Would you kindly respond to our questions before that date.
Monday, 12 March 2012
'Purdah in Powys'
Monday 19th March is the last day that you will be able to table any ‘politically sensitive’ questions to Powys County Councillors.
May 3rd is election day, when voters in Powys will select their future town, local and county councillors. Councillors are elected for four years so it will be May 2016 (there is rumour that the law may change allowing elections every five years from now forward) before we next have a chance to choose the people who will be representing us and our interests over the next years.
More power is being devolved to local council level and the introduction of ‘localism’, the ramifications of which are still not fully appreciated by both the electorate and the elected, will mean that the decisions made by our elected councillors, both local and county will have a significant effect on county and local communities.
Remember, county councillors are elected to represent us the voters and are meant to listen and act on our views. There has probably been little enough listening over the last few years and CRAP proposes to ask the leaders of all parties, and all those who put their names forward for election whether they will commit themselves to ‘grasp the nettle’ and take on the responsibility, so sadly missed by present councillors (Councillor Hopkins, are you listening?) to support our campaign and instigate an instant review of Parking Policy supporting both businesses and residents across the whole of Powys.
It’s about time that residents and businesses were listened to. We are tabling a Freedom of Information request to Powys so that BEFORE THE ELECTIONS ON MAY 3RD. we the electorate know not only exactly where each and every councillor stands on this important matter but also we have the full facts and figures on the costs and income derived from the first year of Powys County Council taking over responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement. Without the facts, we just won’t know whether CPE has been an effective policy or an expensive farce.
REMEMBER if you have any questions, or want us (or your councillor) to ask Powys County Council anything on your behalf, DO IT BEFORE 19th MARCH!
Over the next few weeks and the lead up to the elections, we shall be blogging reactions to our request for a statement of commitment from both councillors seeking re-election and the new blood hoping to become councillors, and will publish answers to the questions we have asked in our Freedom of Information request. We shall also blog anything else pertaining about Parking which we feel will interest our ever expanding readership both here and those in the over fifty countries following CRAP’s campaign.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Friday, 2 March 2012
It's all happening on April 1st
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Councillor Hopkins - It's Your Choice