Wednesday, 7 December 2011

It's really crap news from Powys County Council

Oh dear Councillor Geraint Hopkins and Council Officers Phil Jackson and Kevin Lloyd, you’ve broken your word!

Perhaps it was too good to be true but at our meeting at Powys County Council’s offices at Llandrindod Wells on Tuesday 11th October at which we presented CRAP’s ideas for a county wide approach to car parking and traffic management, Councillor Geraint Hopkins (Powys County Council Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder Environment and Regulation, responsible for Traffic and Parking) together with Phil Jackson, (Powys Transportation and Development Control Manager) and Kevin Lloyd (Powys Car Parks Manager) promised “to respond to the campaign’s proposals in detail by the beginning of December.”

Unfortunately Councillor Gareth Ratcliffe, Hay-on-Wye’s local councillor and an enthusiastic supporter of the CRAP campaign, reports that he has been told that Councillor Hopkins and the officers will be unable to respond as promised in December – but “will do so in the New Year” !

We shall see – words are cheap and it is about time that councillors making promises should be held accountable when they break their word!

REMEMBER Council elections are getting closer. We should use our votes to elect candidates who are hard-working, reliable, honest and KEEP THEIR WORD

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